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Books, Continental


One of the rarest and most influential writing books made in Spain, by the creator of the Spanish bastarda

Arte de escrevir
Lucas, Francisco
1580. Madrid. Francisco Sánchez. 4to, (195 x 138 mm). 8 ff., 99 ff. (numerous errors in foliation), 3 ff., including 50 full-page plates, 7 of which are original to this edition. Twentieth century chagreen by Gruel, triple gilt fillet to boards, arabesque tooling to boards including a large centerpiece, raised bands to spine, compartments tooled and lettered in gilt. Overall light browning, some foxing, various ownership inscriptions to title page, one partially faded, finger soiling to lower corner of title page, generally very fresh and clean.

Second edition of this title and first edition of seven plates of Lucas´ treatise on calligraphy and the art of writing, additionally one of the most beautiful Renaissance books printed in Spain in the 16th century.  The first edition of this title was published in 1577. An unusually fine example, clean and fresh, all the more relevant because of the very nature of the book, meant for heavy use. 


A previous edition under a different title of this work was published in 1571, entitled ‘Ynstruccion muy provechosa para aprender a escrivir’ of which a single copy is known.


Lucas is an influential and early master calligrapher, considered by Cotarelo the creator of the Spanish bastarda (the Spanish version of the Italian cancellarescha). It was not only influential in Spain, but also in America, as Torres Revello states: “hemos hallado la mencion de varios metodos para la enseñanza de la caligrafia”, he records a manuscript of 1655 “Se trata de la memoria presentada a la Inquisicion por Paula de Benavidez, viuda de Bernardo Calderon -que continuo a partir de 1639 al frente del taller de imprenta y librería… sobre los libros que tenia para la venta en su establecimiento. Con el numero 358 se registra ´Francisco Lucas, Arte de escribir”.


“[O]f exceptional importance in the development of Spanish calligraphy” (Baltimore, p. 90).


“[T]he second of the great Spanish writing masters” (Anderson, p. 144).


“[L]ong remained a powerful influence, and the dignified style he taught secured for Spain the leading position in one generation. Illustrious scribes Andres Brun (Saragossa, 1583-1612), Palomares (Madrid, 1776), Morante (Madrid, 1650), Casanova (Madrid, 1650) continued the tradition which he established with his redondilla and bastarda” (Morrison, p. 278).


The work includes samples of the ´bastarda´, ´redondilla´, letra del grifo´, ´letras Latinas´, and ´redondo de libros´, the illustration is composed of a coat of arms on the title page, full page woodcuts with calligraphy samples and elaborate woodcut frames to several leaves.


The history of the printing:

Lucas first printed in 1571 his “Instrvccion muy provechosa para aprender a escrevir”, printed in Toledo by Francisco de Guzman, with only 25 plates, the only known copy that exists today is housed at the library of the Monasterio del Escorial, indeed no copy is located in OCLC. “Esta primera edición es de tan estupenda rareza, que no creemos se conserve de ella mas ejemplar que el existente en la Biblioteca del Escorial” (Cotarelo).


In 1577 Lucas had a second much enlarged and revised edition printed, which incorporates the 25 plates from the Instruccion -which causes, according to Cotarelo, the errors in foliation- and new ones, not previously printed. This 1580 contains a further 7 plates.


Lucas (c.1530-c.1580) was an influential Spanish calligrapher and teacher, widely regarded as the master who established the Spanish bastarda, one of the most employed types of handwriting. He taught, amongst others, Juan de Sarabia. 



According to OCLC, we locate copies in the United States, at Newberry, Harvard, and Univ. of Texas Austin (Ransom).


Provenance: 17th century ownership inscription on title page ‘De Manuel Ferreyra da Costa Saboya’; bound by Gruel in the early decades of the 20th century; Marques de Morbecq Anno 1929, bookplate on front pastedown; offered with a Spanish export license.


Palau, 143327; Salvá, 2310 ‘Casi me inclino a creer que la de 1580 es la primera (edición) de la obra refundida y aumentada’; Cotarelo y Mori, I, p.432.

Revello, José Torre. “Algunos Libros de Caligrafía Usados En México En El Siglo Xvii.” Historia Mexicana, vol. 5, no. 2, El Colegio De Mexico, 1955, pp. 220–27.
